First Parish Brewster presents Rog Smith Author Talk: A Tale of Two Characters
Author of Rian Krieger’s Journey, A Saga in 9 Parts Book 2, The Coachman was published by Sunbury Press on November 2. Book 1, The Conductor was the winner of a SUNNY Award in 2022 Thursday, November 30 – 5 PM in the Parish Hall, First Parish Brewster Unitarian Universalist Church Those of you who read The Conductor may remember Rian Krieger, a feisty 11-year-old tomboy, and Jules Freeman, the self-emancipated foreman at Krieger Coach. Both of these characters evolved over many revisions before Book 1 was published. Rog will walk us through their evolution—from first draft to 3-dimensional, believable, compelling individuals—and their ongoing growth in Book 2. Rog’s presentation will include excerpts from The Coachman and leave time for Q&A. Admission to this event is free, but donations will be accepted. The Conductor ($20) and The Coachman ($28) will be sold at this presentation. Fifty percent of the purchase price will go to First Parish Brewster. Parking across the street at the Brewster Thrift Store, behind the Brewster Chowder House, or down Cottonwood Dr. to the large “Parking” sign.
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
November 30th 5:00PM
First Parish Brewster 1969 Main St. Brewster, MA 02631
Free, donations accepted
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