CDP Office Hours at Brewster Chamber of Commerce
Are you starting a new business or ready to take your existing business to the next level? The Community Development Partnership can help!
The CDP is offering free in-person meetings at the Brewster Chamber of Commerce. CDP small business programs include:
· Adjust your business strategy or update your cash flow projections.
· Provide training or answers related to QuickBooks
· Work on business plan development, sales and marketing, and financial management.
· Discuss whether a microloan is right for you.
This month, Catherine Wilson, Business Service Representative from MassHire Cape & Islands Career Center will join the CDP office hours to share all the services available to employers.
Can’t make it in person or prefer to meet remotely? Schedule an appointment via phone or video conference!
Brewster Chamber of Commerce
2198 Main Street, Brewster

Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
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