CCMNH: Dragonflies
The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
Rainbows on the Wing: Creating Landscapes for Dragonflies
With Entomologist Blake Dinius
BREWSTER, MA — As part of the Gardening for Life Speaker Series, the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History presents Rainbows on the Wing: Creating Landscapes for Dragonflies with Blake Dinius, Entomologist Extension Educator at the County of Plymouth,
Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 1pm.
Swooping, soaring, and perching. Dragonflies are top tier predators of the insect world armed with wings optimized for controlled flight, spiny legs for prey capture, and powerful jaws for dismantling prey. Often referred to as “rainbows on the wing,” dragonflies and damselflies come in a variety of patterns, shapes, and colors, and an estimated 160 species can be found in Massachusetts.
Dragonflies have been on our planet for an estimated 250 million years; however, the shifting nature of our modern landscapes presents challenges. Blake will discuss the ecology of dragonflies: their adaptations, needs, obstacles, and ways we can modify our own landscapes to provide safe havens for these ancient creatures.
Blake graduated with a degree in Biology from the University of Massachusetts - Boston. Soon after, he began a 7-year career in insect research where he directed studies on bees, lacewings, springtails, earthworms, and other critters. He helped to develop guidelines and practices that are currently being used worldwide.
As an extension educator, Blake is committed to delivering science-based education – Information that you can put into practice and rely on. Blake offers programs on anything entomology-related: From pollinator gardening to tick bite prevention to guided butterfly walks.
RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED Tickets available online
$18 Members / $20 Non-Members (Includes at the door day of)
Ticket price does NOT include admission to the Museum
869 Route 6A/Main Street, Brewster

Date and Time
Sunday Mar 3, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
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