Featuring prizes from 21 Brewster Chamber Members! Grand Prize is a one of kind hand-crafted "Brewster Whale" by woodworking folk artist Sunshine Singleton, Cape Cod Land Shark, valued at $3400!!
Two ways to play:
1. Buy chances: one (1) for $20; three (3) for $40; or ten (10) for $100!
2. Make an offer!! Is there something that you really want? Offer to purchase it for at least 75% of the value and we will sell it to you out right!
Sunday Dec 3, 2023
Raffle is live from October 23 to December 3. The drawings will be held on December 4 and winner will be contacted by phone. Gift Certificates can be mailed; other items must be picked up by the winner!
You can view items that are part of the raffle at the Brewster Chamber's office located in Town Hall at 2198 Main Street. We are the first door on the right as you enter through the lower level door, Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Call 508-896-3500.
Two ways to play:
1. Buy chances: one (1) for $20; three (3) for $40; ten (10) for $100.
2. Make an offer! Offer must be 75% of the value of the item, or higher!
Brewster Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
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Printed courtesy of www.brewster-capecod.com/ – Contact the Brewster Chamber of Commerce for more information.
Po Box 1241, Brewster, MA 02631 – (508) 896-3500 – info@brewster-capecod.com